The Sony PlayStation version of Doom was a conversion of The Ultimate Doom and Doom II by Williams Entertainment. It was released on November 16, 1995 and ran with a modified version of the Doom engine used in the Atari Jaguar port. The PlayStation version of Final Doom was also released by the same team on October 1, 1996. Multiplayer was unusual in that splitscreen was unavailable; two. Doom II PSP mod: Quake 2. Filename QUAKE2PSPhomebrewgamewaddoom.rar Date Posted Mar 3, 2008 Categories General Games, PSP: Tags PSP: Downloads. There is also yet another DOOM game for PSP, DOOM Legacy (link). It does support additional features that is similar to modern FPS such as crosshair and full screen mode. The drawbacks is it does not have music (only sound effect) and does not seems to be able to render the floor for DOOM 2 well. Start Doom II with weapons, ammo and health from The Ultimate Doom Complete the last level of The Ultimate Doom, then at the main menu choose 'Options' and then 'Password' and press X.
The Sony PlayStation version of Doom was a conversion of The Ultimate Doom and Doom II by Williams Entertainment. It was released on November 16, 1995 and ran with a modified version of the Doom engine used in the Atari Jaguar port. The PlayStation version of Final Doom was also released by the same team on October 1, 1996. Multiplayer was unusual in that splitscreen was unavailable; two.
The Sony PlayStation version of Doom is a port of Doom and Doom II by Williams Entertainment. It was released on November 16, 1995, and runs on a modified version of the Doom engine used in the Atari Jaguar port. It features 28 levels from Ultimate Doom, 23 from Doom II and 7 original levels.
The game features a multiplayer mode, but lacks split-screen; two consoles have to be linked together instead. This makes the multiplayer experience truer to the original, but at the expense of accessibility.
John Romero is quoted on the back cover, calling this the 'best DOOM yet,' and is credited as 'Creator of DOOM'. However, Romero's quote may be taken with a grain of salt; Quasar asked him about the quote in an email, and according to Romero, he felt the original PC version was still the best due to its superior control.[1]
It was followed shortly by a port of Final Doom, reusing the same engine and most custom resources. This version was also later used as the base for both the Sega Saturn port and Doom 64.
See Full List On
- 3Levels
The rendering engine has been rewritten to utilize the PlayStation's 3D hardware. This renderer allows enhancements such as higher color depth, alpha blending, colorized sectors and animated skies. Unlike the Jaguar version, this version does not render double-wide pixels and therefore preserves full horizontal resolution.
Rather than being split into episodes like the PC version, the levels from Ultimate Doom are lumped together into one continuous episode, splitting the game in two halves between the Ultimate Doom and Doom II levels. Doom II also lacks its intermission text screens. The original Doom levels are based on the Jaguar version, and therefore, as with all ports based on this version, the simplifications to the map geometry and texturing versus the PC version are carried over. The maps from Ultimate Doom's Episode 4 and Doom II contain fewer changes. The number of unique textures and monster types per map is lower than in the PC version, on account of limited VRAM space. Furthermore, large vertical heights have been reduced to account for a renderer limitation where textures can only tile once vertically before being stretched instead. While the framerate is higher than its contemporary console ports, there is still noticeable slowdown in certain levels, particularly when playing on the higher difficulty settings.
As a feature unique to the PS1 and Saturn ports, monsters from Doom II appear in Ultimate Doom levels when the game is played on the 'Ultra Violence' skill level. Also, megaspheres can be found in the exclusive PS1/Saturn Ultimate Doom levels MAP29: Twilight Descends, MAP30: Threshold of Pain and MAP57: The Marshes, with the latter additionally featuring a super shotgun.
Several other exclusive maps are included: MAP54: Redemption Denied, MAP58: The Mansion, and MAP59: Club Doom.
Some enemies such as the baron of Hell, mancubus, cyberdemon and spiderdemon appear less frequently.
A tougher type of spectre, the nightmare spectre, has been added. While the regular spectre looks like a partially invisible demon, the nightmare spectre is subtractively blended, and is harder to kill due to having twice the hit points of an ordinary spectre. Demons, spectres and nightmare spectres can infight each other in this game, as was possible in PC version 1.4 and earlier.
There is no arch-vile because the developers felt they could not do him justice on the PSX, because it had twice as many frames of animation as other monsters.[2]
The final boss from Doom II is not in the game.
As the corresponding secret maps are missing, the game lacks the Wolfenstein SS and Commander Keen enemies.
As in the Jaguar port, enemies from Doom do different amounts of damage as compared to their PC counterparts. For example, a zombieman's pistol shots can inflict up to 24 damage, as opposed to the normal maximum of 15. Some enemies are also referred to in slightly different terminology in the game's manual. Zombiemen, again as an example, are referred to as 'former soldiers' rather than 'former humans'.
This game's version of the revenant is considerably easier to tangle with than its PC counterpart; its running speed is approximately half normal, and is akin to a zombie's or imp's pace. While it only fires homing missiles, the missiles are also slower and easier to avoid.
Unlike the PC version, the Hell knight and baron of Hell monsters can infight in this game.

Removed levels[edit]
Differences from PC[edit]
- All of the gameplay, texture, and map changes from the Atari Jaguar version have been retained for the original Doom maps. Less significant changes were made to the Thy Flesh Consumed and Doom II maps; however, some of the larger maps were cut from the game.
- Many animations had frames cut, making them seem choppier, one apparent example being rockets fired from the rocket launcher.
- Some maps feature a new animated flaming sky.
- The screen resolution was changed from 320x200 to 256x240, which is stretched to roughly 293x240 via NTSC rasterization[3]. Overscan by contemporary television sets, which is variable in nature, would on average show around 224 lines from the middle of the 240 line area, with an 8:7 pixel aspect ratio. New graphics were made for the menu and intermission backgrounds, fonts, and status bar to fit this resolution. The aspect ratios of in-game geometry and sprites are not consistently adjusted, however: architecture appears considerably flattened relative to its PC appearance, while sprites are scaled differently and appear more faithful.
- The sound effects are different from the PC version, and were later reused in Doom 64.
- The PSX SPU's reverberation features are utilized, both for sound effects (mainly in enclosed areas) and soundtrack.
- All weapon sprites have been reduced in size. The super shotgun suffered in particular, and was redrawn for the American and European versions of Final Doom, giving it a 'sleeker' appearance.
- Different status bar. The one used in this game has a darker tone (more black rather than gray in the original) and does not feature the listing of the remaining ammo of all types on the right side like the original.
- There is no Nightmare! skill level.
- Different cheat codes.
- Passwords are used for loading; while they store numbers as map level, skill level, health, armor and ammo, the numbers for the latter three tend to be rounded. There is no Memory Card usage.
- Spectres do not 'shimmer', but are instead rendered using translucency. This is because the partial invisibility effect is difficult to reproduce using such a renderer.
- Though the back of the box touts a 'high framerate,' the game in fact runs slower than its PC counterpart by design, targeting a 30 Hz framerate for rendering and 15 Hz game logic. Empirical testing shows few levels are actually capable of reaching the target framerate, most averaging in the 20s, and a few dipping as low as the single digits during intense gameplay. This must be measured against other competing console ports of the time, however, which had in most cases significantly worse framerate issues. Even many contemporary PCs were not guaranteed to run the DOS version at its full 35 Hz framerate.
- Health bonuses and armor bonuses are worth 2% as opposed to 1% (this change remains in place from the Jaguar version).
- (NTSC version only) Weapon bobbing amount depends on player speed (the weapon sprite moves like in PC version when running, and noticeably less when walking) and direction (when strafing, the weapon sprite moves to larger distance to one side, then to much smaller distance to the other side).
- When walking over damaging sector, the player's face changes to STFKILL immediately, even if no damage is being taken.
- The player's face does not change to STFKILL when firing weapons for a prolonged time other than the chaingun and plasma rifle.
New ambient background music for most levels sequenced using the PlayStation SPU's capabilities.[4] Additionally, Red Book CD audio is used for the title, menus, demos, intermission, finales, and for the main section of the secret level, Club Doom. Aubrey Hodges created the soundtrack and reused certain songs (the symphonic rock/metal theme, most noticeably) in Doom 64.[5]
MAP30: Threshold Of Pain(final Level Of Ultimate Doom)
Technical details[edit]
- The disc contains several WAD files. Each map is in its own WAD file, ranging from MAP1.WAD (which contains MAP01) to MAP59.WAD. An additional archive, PSXDOOM.WAD, contains all resources, including several unused ones. This makes it a total of 60 WAD files.
- The WADs use the same LZSS-based compression method as the Jaguar Doom port, however they are little-endian files, contrarily to the Jaguar's big-endian WAD.
- The files with RAW extension contained in the CDAUDIO folder are actually ISO9660 files linked to the respective audio tracks, which contain the actual audio data.
- The Doom PLAYPAL is different on multiple points:
- Color values are stored as 16-bit little-endian ABGR values (using the most significant bit for alpha and five bits for each color channel).
- Index 0 is transparent in all palettes, and none of the other indices are transparent in any palette. Palette colors differ slightly from PC Doom's.
- There are a total of 20 palettes. The first fourteen are equivalent to Doom's, though the tints are not necessarily identical.
- Palette 14 is used for the invulnerability effect. Since this port uses a hardware renderer which ignores COLORMAPs, invulnerability is handled as a palette flash instead.
- Palette 15 is used for the fire sky. Only the first 37 indices are actually used.
- Palette 16 is quite similar to palette 0, with some odd differences. It is used for interface graphics such as CONNECT, NETERR, LOADING, PAUSE, LEGAL, STATUS, as well as IDCRED2 and WMSCRED2.
- Palette 17 is used for the TITLE and DOOM graphics.
- Palette 18 is used for IDCRED1.
- Palette 19, the last one, is used for WMSCRED1.
- All textures have power-of-two dimensions. When the image itself was not resized to fit the dimensions, the added areas are filled with black (index #255).
- Textures are not composited. Instead, they are placed between T_START and T_END markers.
- The TEXTURE1 lump merely enumerate texture dimensions in sequence. Textures are not identified by their name, instead they are enumerated in the same order as they appear in the WAD. However, each individual texture file already features its dimensions, making the TEXTURE1 lump rather redundant. Textures are not composited from multiple patches.
- Spectres and nightmare spectres are not separate mobj types, but merely demons with some specific flags set. These flags can technically be used with other things as well.[6]
Bitmask | Effect | Use |
001xxxxx | 50% transparency (B/2+F/2) | Cacodemon on Tenements |
011xxxxx | 100% additive (B+F) | Spectre in the exit room of The Focus |
101xxxxx | 100% subtractive (B-F) and doubled hit points | All nightmare spectres |
111xxxxx | 25% additive (B+F/4) | Usual spectres |
- A rocket launcherblast originating from a player's rocket launcher shot does not do any damage to them whenever they are facing a corner where the walls are aligned in an angle of 90 degrees. The player must also be facing slightly off the corner's edge and be as close to it as possible. A series of images demonstrating the phenomenon in the Final Doom level Crater can be viewed here: [1][2][3][4]
- 640K of VRAM is allocated for sprites, wall textures and skies. If this limit is exceeded, then the game will crash and a black screen with the text 'TEXTURE CACHE OVERFLOW' will appear. [1]
- Dramatic memory corruption can be triggered by Lost Souls moving outside the normal boundaries of the levels. Linedefs and sectors in the map will become progressively distorted from their normal layouts until the areas become unrecognizable and eventually the game crashes.[2]
Demo version[edit]
A single-level demo version of PlayStation Doom was produced by Williams, both as a stand-alone disc and included into several demo compilations which shipped as magazine issue pack-in bonuses. This demo version contains only MAP33: The Gantlet. Music and precompiled resources for the other maps are omitted, though the entire IWAD file is present.
The stand-alone version plays a single demo on this level if left idle at the title screen. When launched by the shell programs of the magazine demo discs, this behavior is omitted, and the Williams intro movie is skipped at startup. It is possible to toggle these behaviors by changing the first argument passed to the game's executable file, but the altered disc image can only be run in an emulator or on a modded console, and the game will automatically exit after the demo is completed.
A multiple-game demo disc which includes Doom.
Stand-alone single-level demo CD-ROM.
Reverse engineering[edit]
The PlayStation port was used as a base for the Sega Saturn port (with drastically inferior performance), Doom 64, and the PlayStation port of Final Doom. While the actual source code itself is believed to have been lost, Erick194 of Team GEC has reverse engineered the port and released the results on Doomworld[7], reminiscent of how Kaiser reverse engineered Doom 64.
The pre-release demonstration of PlayStation Doom given by Williams at E3 1995 was introduced with a short stage show featuring the motion capture actors from Mortal Kombat 3.

See also[edit]
- PlayStation Doom TC, a GZDoom-compatible re-implementation of the game.
- PlayStation Doom: Master Edition, a mod which restores cut levels and adds other official levels that came out since the release of this game.
External links[edit]
- E3 stage show by Williams Entertainment
- ↑Quasar's Post on Doomworld: Topic 'Console Doom Ports'
- ↑Harry Teasley interview at Doomworld
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑Aubrey Hodges interview at gamescares
- ↑Mapping of flags 32, 64, and 128
- ↑Doomworld: The Play Station Doom Source Code Released! (Reverse Engineering)
Williams Entertainment • Midway Games | ||
Employees Randy Estrella • Tim Heydelaar • Aubrey Hodges • Danny Lewis • Aaron Seeler • Harry Teasley | ||
Games Doom for Sony PlayStation • Final Doom for Sony PlayStation • Doom 64 • Super NES (publisher) Canceled:Doom Absolution |
Source code genealogy | ||
Based on | Name | Base for |
Jaguar Doom | Doom for Sony PlayStation | Doom for Sega Saturn |
Doom II v1.666 | Doom 64 | |
Final Doom (PlayStation) |
Doom emulator for the PS2.
Supports Doom 1, Doom 2, and pretty much any .WAD file.
HDD support (at last).
Simple but effective WAD selector.
No more need to have only 1 WAD (game) per ps2doom!
Controller almost fully configurable, using the configuration file (ps2doom.config).
It now uses freesd, instead of LIBSD.
Japanese users should be happy now.
And possibly PS3 compatible now?
For doom2 wads, sound is no longer half sampled.
Sounds the same to me, anyway…
Not directly compatible with OPL 0.9.3.
To work around this, simply add OPL 0.8 to your apps menu, and select that first... when it boots, just select this emulator like you normally would.
Or you can do some auto-boot wizardry from OPL-APPS with uLE on your memory card.
Those who are interested in using the HDD must read the ‘Whatsthis.txt’ file released along with the distribution.
It explains exactly what settings you must change in the config-file and where to put it.
Ps2doom configuration:
Version features a configuration file named 'ps2doom.config'. It can be manually edited
to redefine the game controls at a computer or at the PS2 using uLaunchELF text editor, for example.
Where to place the configuration file?
At startup it looks for the configuration file first at the same folder ps2doom is running and if it
doesn’t find it, then looks at memory card (mc0:ps2doom).
Normally you would put the file along with the ps2doom executable but it requires a different approach
when running off HDD. There’s a simple rule you can follow:
- If you want to run it off USB device or memory card you just place it along the ELF. Additionally,
if you want the option to run it also from HDD, then you must place the configuration file
at memory card (mc0:ps2doom). Also in this case you must set the HDD paths. I recommend having only one
configuration file, placed at the memory card.
The reason for this is that there's no way of knowing the launch path when running off HDD
so it cannot load the configuration file from the local folder simply because it doesn’t
know where the local folder is. So if running from HDD, it will look at the memory card location
after failing to it it from the local folder.
If you want to load the WADs from the HDD you also need to edit the hdd section of the config.
Example: Supposing you have the doom wads placed at a partition named '+MyPartition' inside the
'ps2doom' folder, (at '+MyPartition/ps2doom/ that is) the hdd section should be :
use_hdd = false; // set to true if you want to load the WADs from the HDD
path_to_partition = 'hdd0:+MyPartition'; // Case sensitive !
wads_folder = 'ps2doom'; // Case sensitive !
Remember that the paths are case sensitive, so 'hdd0:+MyPartition' and 'hdd0:+mypartition' are different paths!
Adilson Pierog= for his contribution, and for figuring out which irx were needed, and correct sequence order.
Jason Yu= for his audio support functions.
Lukasz Bruun= for originally creating PS2Doom.

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