Pathfinder Kingmaker Best Counselor

A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder Kingmaker made by Owlcat Games. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3.5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. The game is similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. This guide has been generously provided with permission by Loub / LuCasteles. This is your guide for the best possible ending to Pathfinder: Kingmaker and details the key choices you should make.


Leadership Roles

A healthy kingdom has leaders filling a number of different roles. Each leader grants the kingdom different benefits; leaving a role unfilled can penalize the kingdom. In order for a Leadership role to grant its bonus, the character in that particular role must spend at least 1 week per month engaged in various leadership duties (during which time the PCs must be located within a hex that is part of their kingdom). A single character can only occupy one leadership role at a time.


The ruler is the primary leader of the kingdom. Unlike the other leadership roles.
Benefit: A baron or baroness chooses one of a nation’s statistics (Economy, Loyalty, or Stability) and modifies that score by a value equal to the character’s Charisma modifier.Pathfinder
Vacancy Penalty: A kingdom without a ruler cannot claim new hexes, create farmlands, build roads, or purchase city districts. Increase Unrest by 4 during each Upkeep phase in which the kingdom has no ruler.
Special: Two characters can fill this role if they become married, in which case the two rulers can jointly command the kingdom. Both rulers apply their Charisma modifiers to the kingdom’s Stability, Economy, and Loyalty checks as appropriate for their rank, and as long as one of the two rulers is present for 1 week per month, they avoid the vacancy penalty.


The councilor ensures that the will of the citizenry is represented.
Benefit: Increase Loyalty by a value equal to the Councilor’s Wisdom or Charisma modifier.
Vacancy Penalty: Decrease Loyalty by 2; the kingdom cannot gain benefits from festivals. Increase Unrest by 1 during each Upkeep phase in which the kingdom has no Councilor.

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The General commands the kingdom’s armies and is a public hero.
Benefit Increase Stability by a value equal to the General’s Strength or Charisma modifier.
Vacancy Penalty: Decrease Stability by 4.

Grand Diplomat

The Grand Diplomat oversees international relations.
Benefit: Increase Stability by a value equal to the Grand Diplomat’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier.
Vacancy Penalty: Decrease Stability by 2; the kingdom cannot issue Promotion Edicts.

High Priest

The high priest guides the kingdom’s religious needs and growth.
Benefit: Increase Stability by a value equal to the High Priest’s Wisdom or Charisma modifier.
Vacancy Penalty: Decrease Stability and Loyalty by 2. Increase Unrest by 1 during each Upkeep phase in which the kingdom has no High Priest.


The Magister guides a kingdom’s higher learning and magic.
Benefit: Increase Economy by a value equal to the Magister’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier.
Vacancy Penalty: Decrease Economy by 4.


The Marshal helps organize patrols and enforces justice in rural and wilderness regions.
Benefit: Increase Economy by a value equal to the Marshal’s Dexterity or Wisdom modifier.
Vacancy Penalty: Decrease Economy by 4.

Royal Assassin

The Royal Assassin can serve as a public executioner, a headsman, or a shadowy assassin.
Benefit: Increase Loyalty by a value equal to the Royal Assassin’s Strength or Dexterity modifier. Fear inspired by the Royal Assassin reduces Unrest by 1 during each Upkeep phase.
Vacancy Penalty: A kingdom without a Royal Assassin suffers no vacancy penalty.

Pathfinder Kingmaker Best Counselor Job


The Spymaster observes the kingdom’s underworld and criminal elements and spies on other kingdoms.
Benefit: Increase Loyalty, Economy, or Stability (Spymaster’s choice) by a value equal to the Spymaster’s Dexterity or Intelligence modifier. The Spymaster can change which value he modifies during the kingdom’s Improvement phase (but only once per phase).
Vacancy Penalty: Reduce Economy by 4 because of out-of-control crime. Increase Unrest by 1 during each Upkeep phase in which the kingdom has no Spymaster.


The Treasurer organizes tax collection, and manages the treasury.
Benefit: Increase Economy by a value equal to the Treasurer’s Intelligence or Wisdom modifier.
Vacancy Penalty: Reduce Economy by 4; the kingdom cannot collect taxes.


The Warden leads the kingdom’s defense and city guards.
Benefit: Increase Loyalty by a value equal to the Warden’s Strength or Constitution modifier.
Vacancy Penalty: Reduce Loyalty by 4 and Stability by 2.

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