- Scrap Mechanic Mod Pack
- Scrap Mechanic Survival Durf
- Scrap Mechanic Durf Mod
- Train Mod For Scrap Mechanic Download
Free download Scrap Mechanic full pc, xbox and playstation cracked game. We present to you the new and updated Scrap Mechanic download manager (direct install).We are proud to give, to all of our fans, for FREE, a new and 100% working Scrap Mechanic Game + Crack.We tested this game before to make it public, and all that we can say is ‘Download Now’. Dec 23, 2018 - Build ideas for The Game Scrap Mechanic. See more ideas about scrap mechanics, concept ships, concept art. Scrap Mechanic is a multiplayer survival game with creativity and ingenuity at its core. In Scrap Mechanic’s interactive open world, you explore, scavenge and collect objects and then use them to build shelters, impressive moving vehicles and other machines that will help you survive the treacherous adventures lying ahead!
More Scrap Mechanic Guides:
- Amateur Survival Tips!
- All Recipes Guide (Survival Mode).
- Where to Find Items / Materials (Survival Mode).
- Transport Guide for Caged Man (Survival Mode).

Enabling Cheats in Survival
Enabling Commands
Open 'Scrap MechanicSurvivalScriptsgameSurvivalGame.lua' with text editor.
Go to 84 line and change 'if g_survival then' to 'if true then'.
- /ammo 'Give ammo (default 40)'
- /spudgun 'Give the spudgun'
- /gatling 'Give the potato gatling gun'
- /shotgun 'Give the fries shotgun'
- /sunshake 'Give 1 sunshake'
- /baguette 'Give 1 revival baguette'
- /keycard 'Give 1 keycard'
- /powercore 'Give 1 powercore'
- /components 'Give <quantity> components (default 10)'
- /glowsticks 'Give <quantity> components (default 10)'
- /tumble 'Set tumble state'
- /god 'Mechanic characters will take no damage'
- /respawn 'Respawn at last bed (or at the crash site)'
- /encrypt 'Restrict interactions in all warehouses'
- /decrypt 'Unrestrict interactions in all warehouses'
- /limited 'Use the limited inventory'
- /unlimited 'Use the unlimited inventory'
- /ambush 'Starts a 'random' encounter'
- /recreate 'Recreate world'
- /timeofday 'Sets the time of the day as a fraction (0.5=mid day)'
- /timeprogress 'Enables or disables time progress'
- /day 'Disable time progression and set time to daytime'
- /spawn 'Spawn a unit: 'woc', 'tapebot', 'totebot', 'haybot'
- /harvestable 'Create a harvestable: 'tree', 'stone'
- /cleardebug 'Clear debug draw objects'
- /export 'Exports blueprint $SURVIVAL_DATA/LocalBlueprints/<name>.blueprint'
- /import 'Imports blueprint $SURVIVAL_DATA/LocalBlueprints/<name>.blueprint'
- /starterkit 'Spawn a starter kit'
- /mechanicstartkit'Spawn a starter kit for starting at mechanic station'
- /pipekit 'Spawn a pipe kit'
- /foodkit 'Spawn a food kit'
- /seedkit 'Spawn a seed kit'
- /die 'Kill the player'
- /sethp 'Set player hp value'
- /setwater 'Set player water value'
- /setfood 'Set player food value'
- /aggroall 'All hostile units will be made aware of the player's position'
- /goto 'Teleport to predefined position'
- /raid 'Start a level <level> raid at player position at wave <wave> in <delay> hours.'
- /stopraid 'Cancel all incoming raids'
- /disableraids 'Disable raids if true'
- /camera 'Spawn a SplineCamera tool'
- /printglobals 'Print all global lua variables'
- /clearpathnodes 'Clear all path nodes in overworld'
- /enablepathpotatoes 'Creates path nodes at potato hits in overworld and links to previous node'
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Scrap Mechanic Mod Pack
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Scrap Mechanic Survival Durf
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