- Description This mod adds to the Mojave Wasteland a unique set of power armor. Model: T-57c (special air force units). Designed in order to fall from great heights and being able land with shock absorbing pistons, in case of your parachute getting fired upon & tearing open.
- T-57c Power Armor. Posted by 4 months ago. T-57c Power Armor. Did everyone just kinda forget about the New Vegas exclusive and one of a kind power armor?
- Prototype Medic Power Armor was overpowered. Whenever the armor used Med-X, no chance of addiction, player gets to ignore crippled limbs, and player can also use Med-X a second time in conjunction with the suit for +50 DR.
T-57c was integrated in as a swap for Prototype Medic Power Armor to give it a more unique fit into the games instead of a variation on T-45d. Vault-Tec power armor can be found via exploration as can Tesla Metal Armor. A prototype edition of the Advanced Power Armor Mk. III was added as well to the Mojave wasteland as an easter egg. Grab the latest working T Power coupons, discount codes and promos. Extra 10% Off on Your Entire Order with T-57c Power Armor Coupon. 15% Off T-51b Power.
Combining these two mods into a single post because they operate on roughly the same principle just covering different things.TTW - Armor Revamp: The mod basically moves armor from TTW over more toward AR/DR instead of DT which was more in like with how FO1 and 2 operated. I already have a mod dealing with Power Armor for TTW so this mod generally doesn't touch Power Armor (though I can easily go in a change that). Most of the clothing items have had DT removed from them and had either their DR lowered or removed entirely. I retained DR on bulky clothing items like robes or certain outfits (a range of 1-4 AR/DR) but things like Vault Jumpsuits had AR/DR removed entirely along with DT.
Armors that do retain DT (generally leather and above) either have metal components that cover more than a shin and forearm or were designed with some form of ballistic protection in mind (Vault security armors). DT's have been slashed across the board though some more noticeable than other. Combat Armor variations reach generally the highest in both categories with the idea in mind that higher than 40 AR/DR and higher than 15 DT is reserved for Power Armor variations. The documentations contains a list of notable armor changes and covers some categories at large as this covers pretty much every armor in the game.
I kept helmets on DT instead of AR/DR as the DT bonus for helmets never reached much past 4 for something above combat and DT being dominant on a helmet makes a bit more sense to me.
Power Armor Battery Box
Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods ... escription
BONED: Does essentially what the above mod does but focuses primarily on Power Armor and diversification. Capitol BoS and Mojave BoS use different armor sets with the Capitol having variations on T-51b models. Diversification of combat armor as well for Brotherhood with each camp using different sets. Outcast also moved to sets ranging from Combat to T-51b with two T-51b variations. Capitol Enclave has diversification of Power Armor sets ranging from T-51b variations up to Hellfire (renamed Advanced Power Armor Mk. III). These armor sets are in a jet black sleek like new condition compared to the Mojave sets which are grey, drab, and have clearly seen better days. Remnants armor has the same method to gain it but a set of Remnants Advanced Power Armor Mk. II is gained via questing and only has 2 possible methods of acquirement. The NCR lists for Heavy Troopers changed to create a diversification between salaved T-45d sets and Salvaged T-51b sets. And finally White-Leg stormdrummers given 'tribal power armor' which amounts to a raider Metal Armor variation offering slightly more protection against different things. But they are the method to get a Tribal T-51b Helmet.
Easter egg armors have been dispersed into the wasteland as well with Midwestern basic and Advanced able to be found as one of sets for those that explore around. T-57c was integrated in as a swap for Prototype Medic Power Armor to give it a more unique fit into the games instead of a variation on T-45d. Vault-Tec power armor can be found via exploration as can Tesla Metal Armor. A prototype edition of the Advanced Power Armor Mk. III was added as well to the Mojave wasteland as an easter egg.
AR/DR and DT values based on original Fallout style with the easter egg armors mixed in to varying degrees of effectiveness. Armor enhancements changed for Power Armor to fall more in line with FO1 and FO2 and all Power Armor have the capability to carry themselves (except in some circumstances where the system are not up to par). This means (especially with the above mod) power armor offers the most protection in game with only 1 armor set reaching AR/DR cap limits.
Power Armor training manual added in a questable and then craftable form as a one of for the Mojave and able to be gained from the Outcast in the wasteland for their unmarked quest.
Power Armor Suit

Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods ... escription

I am very much open to suggestions on changes for both mods. Once BONED at base is in a more finished state (ie I stop wanting to add or change things around too much) I plan to work on an edition that makes Power Armor a whole lot more rare. 1 to 2 find able sets at best with loo table sets designed to drop at a rate of 2-5%.
T 57c Power Armor Fallout 76
Casual Courier. 9 months ago. Enables 3D positional audio in Fallout: New Vegas or any other game that supports DirectSound3D. With increased functionality, read long description. Fallout: New CaliforniaHave you ever wanted to explore sections of California in Fallout? The NCR has been totally converted to the Imperium, including imperial guard forces, Adeptus Arbites, deathkorps of krieg, space marines and sisters of battle. It was specifically designed to be more of an expansion rather than a sequel; Obsidian, however, saw the project as akin to the Grand Theft Auto titles Vice City and San Andreas—not numbered entries, but full games in their own right. Out of curiosity, are there any skimpy armor replacers for Fallout: NV? I was wondering if anyone knew of a mod that is either out or in development for New Vegas that will somewhat reproduce the feel of Power Armor from 4. So I've spent a good deal of time playing fallout 4, and its a good enough game. This video is unavailable. Close. Makes the game into a much harder and more fun action RPG that can be played in FPS. Before you comment, no, this is not a traditional 'how to', despite the title. It is the amount of damage you can expect the armor to absorb before the user suffers hit point loss. Wanting to have that badass winter cowboy outfit for my female courier to wear, I decided to make a female mesh for the armor. First Version of Mass Effect Fallout mod, Few armors and no new weapons for now. While in Fallout 3 this was limited to the creation of custom weapons, New Vegas takes this a step further by allowing the creation of weapon variants based on basic weapons by adding weapon mods.. A Warhammer 40k total conversion for Fallout: New Vegas. Robert body and Breeze body and Type 3 supported. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Health: This is the hit points of the gear when in full condition. Clone Trooper Companion Oct 26 2020 Released Oct 14, 2020 Role Playing Adds a Clone Trooper as a companion northeast of the Follower's outpost and north of the 188 Trading Post. You'll once again be able to explore the Mojave, visit the town of Goodsprings, take part in the second Battle of Hoover Dam & experience content which was cut from the original. But what are the best Fallout: New Vegas mods? It's just not a true Western without a little bounty hunting, is it? There is a suitcase inside the Goodsprings prospector saloon on a table at the right of the door, and a second suitcase found just outside of the saloon, in a wagon to the north of the saloon. I will work on this in future. This new Fallout 4 NCR Veteran Ranger Mod brings the New Vegas NCR Veteran Ranger armor to Fallout 4 with new textures and meshes. New Version with Dead Money Cloud Protection avaliable! 5. Accueil Forum Mods ; Apparence; Armurerie; Aventures; Correctifs; Gameplay; Les Terres Désolées; Personnages; Utilitaires; Visuel; Flux RSS Recherche Contact Partenaires Faire un don Livre d'or Derniers Mods ajoutés. Posted by. The Dragonskin Tactical Outfit mod actually adds a selection of the titular outfits - in different colours and camo patterns - to the Wasteland. This mod adds a number of new armors to Fallout New Vegas. I'm using the Powered Power Armor mod, and I noticed that the keybind for change views (so night vision, thermal, etc.) This mod's focus is on bug-fixing and addressing immersion-breaking moments. Author: exeter. If you enjoyed the video please like it, and subscribe for more Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Skyrim mod … 4GB Enabler - Load Fallout New Vegas with the 4GB enabling Large Address Aware bit set NVSE,BOSS - NVSE extends New Vegas scripting capabilities, and BOSS re-orders your load order. NEED PLAY TESTERs, I change the title because it was a bit misleading. A Fallout 3 and New Vegas mod that greatly improves the user interface without compromising the original style. Drags New Armor Pack. Name: The name of the gear in question; usually what appears on your Pip-Boy. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. If you're looking for a large pack of armors, but you're worried about … It was never the best-looking game, but eight years later it’s cracks… Currently there are 120+ pieces of equipment(not counting both male and female models of gloves and head wear independently) added, a large portion of which, are based on the excellent feedback and requests provided by the community here at Nexus. Also I descided what mod I am wating for in Fallout … , 1, 2, 3, 4 Next Top 10 Best Fallout New Vegas Armor Mods - Duration: 8:39. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Mods. ADAM. Blackrow - It's a criminal's life. FORCES OF CHAOS This is my personal list of playtested and must have mods i warmly suggest to anyone wanting to mod our favorite game and especially now with the latest Fallout 76 delusion lets see what good ol' New Vegas has to offer.. Fallout New Vegas/fallout 3 Ttw Mod - Fallout 4 Power Armor High caliber bullets and propelled grenades bounce off and even a satchel charge only cracks eye wear. This mod eliminates faction handling for all faction armor in FNV. … Brotherhood. One day while playing through Someguy2000's New Vegas Bounties III with a female courier, I realised that the cool and unique Drifter armor that you get in that mod didn't have a special mesh for female characters, it simply used the vanilla Merc Adventurer outfit mesh. Obsidian’s Fallout: New Vegas, despite being five years old, is still enjoying a booming modding scene. A great NCR-based quest mod, though 2 is incompatible with New Vegas Bounties 2, a mod I recommended earlier. Fallout: New Vegas - Riot Armor Type 3 Mod. Page 1 of 3 - Fallout New Vegas won't load mods - posted in New Vegas Technical Support: Now before you ask, I have FOMM, I have nexus mod manager, Ive been playing on a legal copy of the ultimate edition of Fallout new vegas for almost a year and the only problems I had were too many mods, crashes, etc. MPERIUM OF MAN. Log in to view your list of favourite games. NMM allows you to automatically install, enable, and disable the mods. Install the application method using a program such as Mode Organizer 2. You'll be able to hear if sounds are in front, behind... Enclave Player Home Apr 14 2019 Singleplayer Map Need a new home in within the Mojave? Some merchants move from place to place in the wasteland, but most trade from shops in buildings or settlements. 2. Al ChestBreach 268,031 views. This mod also includes two character save files of characters named 'Kerrigan' and 'Nova', both designed to look as much like their Starcraft counterparts as possible within the limits of the Fallout New Vegas game engine. This mod adds a new shop to New Vegas that sells exotic tactical clothing, headgear, and equipment. Model: T-57c (special air force units). Check back for updates. *NON-NUDE* New Vegas Type3 armors with the underwear base body. 3. Tailor Maid. Weapon and Armor Mods These mods help spice up the wasteland with some more weapons and armor. It is loosely based on the real Dragon Skin body armour apparently in use today by SWAT teams, Secret Service and other elite military personnel. The sheer amount of stats and… Fallout New Vegas Mod - BORDERLANDS Graphics (Cel Shading) - Perftoon - … … NMC NV Texture Pack. This Fallout: New Vegas mod changes the unrealistic, physical 'zap' sound when firing laser weapons to one of a 'charge', which is more suited to these types of weapons as light wouldn't make a sound when being fired, yet the charging of the weapon would. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Mods are almost always installed into your Fallout New VegasData (e.g., C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamappscommonFallout New VegasData) Some mods come with separate versions for the DLC for New Vegas, so do not use those esp’s or esm’s if you do not have the appropriate DLC. It also removes recoil from laser weapons entirely. Essential and Required Mods for 2020 New Vegas. Prices for goods and services may vary depending on the player character's Barter skill, and their reputationwith a particular faction or community. Some other mods like Beyond Boulder Dome and a Trip to the Bank include some of the coolest custom armors around too, they are quest mods. is left shift. Unique weapons cannot be equipped with weapon mods, with the exception of the weathered 10mm pistol, … Uploaded: 21 Oct 2010. Mods. As Bethesda 'had dib… Dead … Anyways I was wondering if there were any mods that someone could recommend that would turn anybody wearing power armor into a … Visit a new town called … So I started modding New Vegas and I was wondering some of the more essential mods that I could get that improves gameplay such as improved armor texture, faster game loading time and less crashes . FORCES OF CHAOS. This post will be linked when the recurring 'suggest me some mods' question pops out every other day. Fallout New Vegas Mods: Imperial New Vegas - Part 1 - Duration: 20:55. Customizable colors/brightness. Top 10 Best Fallout New Vegas Armor Mods - Duration: 8:39. Replace the equipment you T6M Body of New Vegas. That's the recommend fixes for all bugs while Jsawyer and Project Nevada are the two best gameplay reworks and work hand in hand. Discussions for New Vegas began between Obsidian and Bethesda in 2008/'09. How can a set of Medium armor outclass the best suit of power armor in Fallout New Vegas? When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. The main steps to create a custom armour or outfit for Fallout 3 are: Importing into Blender all parts of the body you are going to create armor for. I find myself however wanting to move back to Fallout New Vegas with the Tale of Two Wastelands mod. This comprehensive texture pack is the only texture improvement mod you’ll need to make New Vegas look as sharp as possible. Some assets in this file belong to other authors. ELI'S ARMOR COMPENDIUM. Mods. I consider them … Anyways, if there is any other gear that you think I may like then don't be afraid to share (: A Fallout 3 and New Vegas mod that greatly improves the user interface without compromising the original style. Type3 Body and Armor replacer. Adds a female version of the Drifter armor from Someguy2000's New Vegas Bounties 3 for female couriers. Fallout New Vegas - Mods Browse through our selection of Mods for the Fallout New Vegas game on the PC. Fallout New Vegas Mods: Enclave Commander - Marine Edition - Duration: 30:42. As a result, assortment of objects will be coming from Fallout 2, 3 and Fallout New Vegas. Weight: How heavy the item is, adding to your Carry Weight. BigBizkit: Thanks, DeserterX, for joining us today: as always, we like to start the interview off by you telling us a bit about yourself. Also, I need some kind of item or armor piece that renders my character invisible while I'm sneaking. Watch the Fallout New Vegas trailer in game...this mod includes a TV set that's located just outside of the Goodsprings General Store, it'll play the whole entire trailer in game :D . Fully voiced, also adds my DMR rifle, Silenced SMG, Pistol and Ka-Bar to Fallout New Vegas. The NCR have their iconic Ranger armor, while Ceaser's Legion has unique armor designed for melee combat. Road Fighter. DT: This is the Damage Threshold of the gear. Value: How much you can expect to sell the gear for, assuming the merchant is buying your items at 100% of their value. For power armor helmets and nightvision units alike. Essential and Required Mods for 2020 New Vegas. All the links I've found are broken. 8:39. looking for cool futuristic armor and weapons - posted in New Vegas Mod Talk: I'm looking for some cool looking and also flattering armor for a female character in new vegas that's compatible with Beware of Girls version 3. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=13721230 Connect with me! Currently filtering by: categories. If you grab Project nevada, they add a few new ones, like Air Force T-57c, and the VaultTec Power Armor. Mass Effect Fallout v0 2 Feb 20 2017 Full Version . It was never the best-looking game, but eight years later it’s cracks really start to show. Close. 109k. There is now. This mod adds to the Mojave Wasteland a unique set of power armor. Lucky38 Executive Vault Jan 24 2019 Singleplayer Map 1 comment. My biggest video ever is finally here. fallout nv armor mods: PC ONLY. Courier 6 Power Armor. Fallout New Vegas has some amazing weapons and armor for players to find. A Warhammer 40k total conversion for Fallout: New Vegas. Fallout New Vegas is an old game at this point. Some of the Mods … Separate new tags with spaces. Outcast General Coat. The boomers have become elysian drop troopers and gun runners the skitarii . Found 1681 results. 0. Clone Trooper Companion Oct 26 2020 Released Oct 14, 2020 Role Playing Adds a Clone Trooper as a companion northeast of the Follower's outpost and north of the 188 Trading Post. The boomers have become elysian drop troopers and gun runners the skitarii. I can achieve more or less the same level of protection with Sierra Madre Reinforced + Toughness + implant + centurion helmet or Gecko Backed reinforced leather + Toughness + implant + Ranger combat armor. Copyright © 2020 Robin Scott. RELATED: 15 Best Settlements In Fallout 4, Ranked These armor sets are scattered throughout the Mojave desert, but there are some more unique items that offer special bonuses or are just really good for their archetype. Today we are talking to DeserterX a long time member of our Nexus Mods community and author of many incredibly detailed armour mods for Fallout 4 and Skyrim. Creating an armour for Fallout 3. Classic Fallout Damage Overhaul is a mod that brings the Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics armor and damage system. Mods. I;m looking for any Call of Duty Armors that still exists. New Vegas Bounties. This isnt a modding guide, nonetheless, stability mods and useful … To add tags, simply start typing the tag you're after. All rights reserved. Nexus Mod Manager. MPERIUM OF MAN. This means that you can download mods using the Nexus Mod Manager software (later on referred to as NMM). Requires Honest Hearts. I'm looking for Military style gear and I have a few already but none look as nice as the CoD gear. Pour la traduction et la création de mods pour Fallout New Vegas, venez participer au forum ;) Parcourir les mods » Menu. It's the end of the world, radiation and poisonous gases are everywhere. Besides … Look no further! Nightvision, thermal imaging, scanners, target acquisition and waterbreathing. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account, This mod adds a number of new armors to Fallout New Vegas, I don't mind if people using my mods in any way, no permission required, so long as they give me credit for my work and have nessecary permission from other modders who created content that is used in my mods. This is the unofficial Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition patch. Posted by 6 hours ago [New Vegas, mods]: Powered Power Armor keybinds + Project Nevada implant improvement crafting . Revamps the NCR troopers. [New Vegas, mods]: Powered Power Armor keybinds + Project Nevada implant improvement crafting. 8:39. Copyright © 2020 Robin Scott. A tale of three wastelands. The wrong logic 'it wasn't present in Fallout 2, so it shouldn't be present here' is not even taken into consideration within our team, unlike other attempts of making mods with such goal. 3. Hi tech hybrid stealth armor. 16 Essential Fallout New Vegas Mods. FNVEdit - FNVEdit is an advanced graphical module viewer/editor and conflict detector. The Bounties … Also edits some mistakes present in the male Drifter armor … But sometime in late June, I decided I wanted to start a new profile, just for the heck of it. This modification gives your Riot Armor meant for female characters. They knew the game wouldn't be a 'Fallout 4,' and it was referred to as 'Fallout 3.5' within Obsidian. Something along the lines of Nightasys Skimpy set for Skyrim for the Type3 Dimonized body? NcrVet 248,256 views. You wanna be silent and deadly get this mod Stealth armor: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/34683 Watch Queue Queue 615. Both characters are parked in front of the the Vit-o-matic Vigor Tester in his house at the beginning of the game to allow maximum user customization/choice. This mod adds a lore-friendly armor pack for both males and females to NV. (, Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing Robert Breeze Type3, Reinforced Chinese Stealth Suit - NV v2dot2, MK117 Prototype Combat Power Armor Voiced and Weapons. Completely functional, but still a WIP. This Mod Adds 4 Skintight Bodysuits to new Vegas they can be found in the back of the pick up truck in a suit case in front of jean skydiving see attached screenshots I just converted these for new vegas they were requested by another member of the site see attached readme for all credits to the modders that originaly made the nif's War Demon. Ghost Armor Retex & Tweaks in 2048x2048 resolution + Merchant Adjutant NPC. >Fallout 4 New Vegas is aiming to rebuild the entire New Vegas experience in Fallout 4's Creation Engine. Vous pouvez vous procurer les fichiers indépendamment sur la fiche officielle de Fallout Nexus. All rights reserved. Fallout New Vegas supports the content available on Nexus Mods website. Designed in order to fall from great heights and being able land with shock absorbing pistons, in case of your parachute getting fired upon & tearing open. Then, Jsawyer, New Vegas Script Extender, New Vegas Anti-Crash, Mod Configuration Menu, 4GB Fallout New Vegas, Mission Mojave, Project Nevada. I do however always apreciate someone letting me know they used my mod just because I enjoy seeing what others are able to do, but letting me know is in no ways required(just a nice thing to do), -Dragonskin Tactical Outfit by antistar (hatch operator glove textues, security pants texture, modified textures for ptvest chest rig adn tactical outfit long sleeve,black vest and modified vest textures)-Scavanger Armors by tumbajamba-Cri Squad by tumbajamba-Tactical Vest by Ohnomelon-Thigh Holster by Alexscorpion -Sneaking Suit by Alexscorpion-Jill Valentine BSAA Outfit TYPE 3 by Redline_C64-Tomb Raider Outfit Type 3 by redline_c64-Ninja Balaclava Ski Mask by Sparky84-yoko's gun belt by Backsteppo-gunrunners grunt by Earache42-Scorpion Sneaking Suit Retex by whyT-Unique Armours Retextured by Tubal-MP5 SD Special Forces SAS Gas Mask-Camouflage Textures by Jaysus-Tough Chick Armor by Quetzlsacatanango-Gypsy Outfits by Azar -Fallout 3 ReadMe Generator by InsanitySorrow, This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points. FOMM - A collection of utilities related to both creating and using mods. Ce mod regroupe une collection de costumes divers pour Fallout : New Vegas. Adds a female version of the Drifter armor from Someguy2000's New Vegas Bounties 3 for female couriers. NcrVet 247,470 views. In addition to normal traders, there are doctors who can treat various ailments for a fee and certain traders can also repair the player character's equipment. Try a female Power Armor Mesh mod (pick one): ... Everything Fallout modding, from Fallout 1 to Fallout 4 and everything in between. The NCR has been totally converted to the Imperium, including imperial guard forces, Adeptus Arbites, deathkorps of krieg, space marines and sisters of battle. This Mod Adds 4 Skintight Bodysuits to new Vegas they can be found in the back of the pick up truck in a suit case in front of jean skydiving see attached screenshots I just converted these for new vegas they were requested by another member of the site see attached readme for all credits to the modders that originaly made the nif's You can filter your search by including or excluding tags. See them before they see you. Last Update: 10 Oct 2011. Why was there no gas masks implemented in the final game? Fallout New Vegas is an old game at this point. 4. You will need to seek permission from, You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file, You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator, You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file, You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, Military Backpacks - New Vegas Edition Blackwolf SedPL. Archived. 20:55 . 1. If you like the mod download and endorse it. An essential base for both modders and players! This mod add a number of new Items and Gears to Fallout New Vegas. Thank you for watching. One of the features added to New Vegas is the ability to custom modify certain base weapons. Ajouté le 21/12/10 - 2751 téléchargements - 9.60 Mo - Fallout : New Vegas Le but de base de ce mod est d'ajouter beaucoup de fonctionnalités haute technologie comme la vision de nuit, l'image thermique pour voir au travers des murs, la respiration sous l'eau et beaucoup plus. I was always put off by the fact that 90% of the population seemed to wear the exact same armor/clothing this mod aims to try and lessen this issue by adding more clothing/armor variety. Type 3 versions of the Honest Heart outfits. Just wondering, as I havent managed to find anything on the FO:NV nexus site or here. 20788 have been filtered out. Wastelanders. This mod adds my MK117 Prototype Combat Power Armor to the game. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. It's rumored that the Japanese are working on something similar. Fallout New Vegas Fallout 4 Power Armor Mod 2. Don't just dress like a gangster: become one. Replaces all vanilla Legion armors, adds a voiced Legion companion, creates new classes, upgrades some Legion NPCs, and more!
T 57c Power Armor Parts
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